Menopause is the process in a woman’s body in which the ovaries stop processing the hormone oestrogen. It is officially the day after the final menstrual flow, looking back from 12 months on and marks the end of reproductive life! In the UK the average age is 52. The period up to this is Peri Menopause as the body then reacts to the loss of oestrogen through several varying symptoms and it can last up to 10 years!! These symptoms can be broken down into two main categories, Mental and Physical.
Mental symptoms include:
- Loss of memory or concentration
- Increased stress and anxiety
- Depression or a low mood
- Mood swings
- Change in Libido
- Poor coping/More emotional
Physical symptoms include:
- Irregular bleeding
- Bone density changes
- Hormonal imbalances
- Hot flushes and night sweats
- Vaginal lining changes
- Weight gain
- Weak bladder
- Palpitations
- Insomnia
- Headaches
- Connective tissue changes (skin, hair, joint aches)
- Fibrocystic breast lumps and pain
Some women have very mild symptoms for only a few weeks or months; in others they may be severe and/or last for considerably longer
Psychological symptoms may be exacerbated by life changes happening at around the same time: children growing up/leaving home, job changes/retirement/redundancy, and long term relationship stress or marriage breakdown.
It is suggested that in our modern plastic, contraceptive pill and intensive farming world, there are more oestrogen mimicking compounds in our water, food and environment and this maybe why our generation is suffering many more symptoms than our mothers and grandmothers did.
It is likely that our expectations of Menopause, our attitudes towards our own ageing bodies, our levels of self-esteem and body awareness, together with the degree of contentment with life before Menopause, can very much influence the degree to which we experience negative symptoms.
Here are the most important things to consider when transitioning through the Menopause.
- Dietary changes
- Which body systems to optimise and how
- Nutritional supplements to help support
- Herbal remedies
- Yoga poses
- Aromatherapy oils
- Reflexology points
- Lifestyle changes
For all the detailed info on the above please attend one of my Yoga & Wellness Workshops for The Menopause or book a private one to one consultation with me.
See also some other articles on remedies for stress relief here